
Heftig: Dave Smith stellt Entwicklung des Tempest ein

Besitzer der Groovebox Dave Smith Tempest haben es nicht leicht! Erst dauert es eine Ewigkeit, bis die größten Mängel via Firmware-Updates behoben werden und nun wird die Produktpflege völlig eingestellt. Dabei ist der Tempest nicht gerade günstig. Ist eventuell ein Nachfolger geplant?


Eben erreichte uns die Meldung, dass Dave Smith die Groovebox Tempest nicht weiter aktualisieren wird, also müssen sich Nutzer mit dem letzten offiziellen Update OS oder dem Beta-Update vom Juni 2016 begnügen. Allerdings hat das Beta-Update eine Vorgeschichte, da es über eine Petition quasi erzwungen werden musste. Doch auch nach dem Update vergangenen Jahres wurden nicht alle Bugs beseitigt. Seit dem Erscheinen des Tempest im Jahre 2011 hagelte es Beschwerden von zahlreichen Bugs, fehlenden Features und so weiter. Doch weil das Gerät so viel Power hat, gibt es auch viele positive Rezensionen. Es könnte aber auch sein, dass Dave Smith einen Nachfolger plant, der mehr Entwicklerkapazität erfordert.

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Statement von Dave Smith:

„First, and most importantly, I’d like to thank you for being a loyal Tempest user. We appreciate all of your support, feedback, and especially your creative use of the Tempest over the course of its 6-year development. It is now a mature product that has undergone many changes and improvements.

When the Tempest was first conceived, we never imagined the many ways you would ultimately put it to use. As such, over time, we’ve done our best to add as many features as we deemed implementable within the Tempest’s technical framework. We’ve listened to your requests and have enhanced its operation, editing, and performance capabilities. While there are still some minor bugs remaining, we’ve addressed the bugs affecting the Tempest’s essential operation and feel that it is stable, reliable, has abundant functionality, and is very fun to play.

Though some of you continue to request new features and offer useful suggestions for improvement, we’ve reached what we consider the limits of the instrument’s available memory and processing ability. For these reasons, we consider this release (OS to be our final Tempest OS release.

Again, we deeply appreciate your enthusiasm for the Tempest. As we move forward, we are committed to creating still more ground-breaking instruments in the future.“

Statement vom Co-Entwickler Roger Linn:

„I'd like to add a few words to Dave's statement above. Though I may have chosen differently, I understand Dave’s decision to finish Tempest development with this update. He’s devoted far more effort and resources to Tempest than any of his other products, and I feel that even with some remaining minor bugs, Tempest is incredibly deep and remarkably functional, and in my opinion has no competition for what it does. The interesting thing about a a product that stores your music is that it’s an invitation to an infinite number of feature requests, because everyone’s needs for music creation are unique. I actually would have preferred a simpler Tempest with less features, but I admire Dave and his team for working so hard to implement so many of your requests, and those efforts have probably made it a better product than I originally envisioned. On balance, if you look at the totality of things Tempest can do and its vast internal complexity, I think it’s pretty amazing and may never be equalled. I certainly couldn’t have made Tempest on my own and appreciate that Dave was willing to devote so many of his resources to this collaboration of ideas.“

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